24th Parkallen Scouting Group will be having our early registration night on August 29th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Parkallen Community Hall.
We are accepting registrations for our Beavers Program (Kindergarten - Grade 2), Cubs Program (Grade 3 - Grade 5), Scouts Program (Grade 6 - Grade 9) and our new Venturers Program (Grade 10 - Grade 12).
Registration Fees before September 1st:
$160 per Youth
$390 per Family (3 or more Youth)
Registration Fees after September 1st:
$180 per Youth
$405 Per Family (3 of more Youth)
Our Scout Group does not charge any other additional registration fees. There are additional charges for camps and fieldtrips during the scouting year.
Parents are required to purchase a uniform and book (Cubs & Scouts) for their child which are available at the Scout Shop (14205 - 109 Avenue). Our group provides all badges and scout scarf.
We are also accepting registrations for new Leaders and Parent Volunteers in all levels of our program. We cannot provide an excellent program for your childred without your help. There are no registration fees for Leaders or Parent Volunteers and we provide all that you need (uniform, training) and no previous experience in Scouts is required. We are accepting full-time and part-time volunteers.
For more information please contact our Group Commissioner Robert Leddy:
Phone: 780-903-0878
Email: robert-leddy@hotmail.com