Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays 2014

Happy Holidays from the 24th Parkallen Scout Group.

We will be back at the Parkallen School on January 7th for our regular meeting.

Look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We Remember

2014 Fall Camp Pictures

The Calm Before the Storm
The Goatman visits the Cubs on the first night

Getting the Paint Ball Range Ready

View from the Paint Ball Shooting Range

Cubs & Beavers making Rock Candy

Scouts ready to test fire starters
Testing a Fire Starter

Making Lean-To's

Keeping Warm

Our Camp Foodies ready to take on the Scouts Hotdog Challenge

Fear Food Factor Sampler 

Camp Fire

The Goal of Mission Impossible Night Game

The Goatman visits the Scouts on second night

Until next time.

Please check out this youtube video of our capture the flag game:

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Remembrance Day Parade 2014

Every year the 24th Parkallen Scouting Group participates in the Remembrance Day Parade at the University of Alberta Butterdome (corner of 87 Avenue and 114 Street).  Please dress in full dress uniform and arrive no later that 9:30 AM.

This is a special time for our youth to march alongside with our veterans, those who currently serve in our armed forces and most of all remembering those that have gave their lives during times of war, armed conflicts and in peace so we can live in freedom today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2014 Halloween Party & Fall Camp

On October 29th, all sections of the 24th Parkallen Scouting Group will be meeting at the Parkallen School Gym at 6:30 PM for a Halloween Party. Everyone is to come in costume and have some Spooky Fun. There will be a piñata breaking fun to be had.

Next weekend is our annual Fall Camp at Camp Evansburg (November 7th - 9th). This camp is for all sections and there will be lots of fun with events like Food Fear Factor, Camp Fire and our night game called Mission Impossible.

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Big Thank You from 24th Parkallen Scouting Group

I would like to thank everyone who made a donation of bottles to help fund our scouting program on October 18th.  We would not be able to maintain our excellent youth service leadership program over 30 years without your generous support. 

I would also like to thank everyone who was able to donate food for the Edmonton Foodbank.  We were able to collect a few hundred pounds of food that will help those in need. 

Most of all I would like to thank all our volunteers who helped make this Fall Bottle & Food Bank Drive a great success.  We could not do this without our fantastic volunteers.

We will be holding our annual Spring Bottle & Food Bank Drive on April 11, 2015.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Food Bank & Bottle Drive - Oct 8th

Food Bank & Bottle Drive
Saturday, October 18th, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Food and 
Bottles, Please!!!

Please leave your Food Bank donations and bottles (milk containers, plastic & glass, as well as aluminum cans (pop, beer & juice) on your front step by 9:00 a.m.

All volunteers (Parents, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers) please meet at the Skate Shack located behind the Parkallen Community Hall (11104 & 65 Avenue) at 8:30 a.m.

*   Beans with/without Pork
*   Canned Fish or Meat
*   Macaroni & Cheese Dinners or Pasta
*   Baby Food or Baby Formula
*   Peanut Butter
*   Powdered Milk
*   Soup
*   Canned Fruits or Vegetables


#24 Parkallen Scouting Group:
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Corn Maze 2014 - Pictures

It begins

Hopefully on the right trail


Corn Maze Guide Dog

Bird Calls?

Crab Apples?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

First Meeting for Scouting 2014/2015 Year

Our first meeting for the new Scouting Year will be on September 3, 204 at the Parkallen School Gym starting at 6:30 PM  We currently have space in all our program sections.

To register you can register:

Online at and register.


Complete an application and drop it off at one of our meetings.

We do offer two free visits for anyone interested in see what a program is about.

Registration costs for our group is the Scouts Canada basic fee:

Full Year Registration Fee is $180.00

Family Registration Fee (3 or more youth) is $415.00

Pictures from the 2013/2014 Year

Scout Paddle Making

Halloween Party

Remembrance Day 

Christmas Party

Ice Festival

Winter Camp 2014

Venturer Sydney story telling

What the Goatman might look like

Goatman hits the Scouts while sleeping

View from top of the Toboggan Hill

View from the Bottom of the Toboggan Hill

Our Judges for the Scout Lunch Cook Off

Fish Stick Hotdog

Vegan Dessert Hotdog

Spring Thaw Camp 2014 - The Scouting Dead

Practicing combat incase of Zombie Attack

Potato Cannon

Ready to make a supply run

Making Penny Stoves

Leather Crafting

Water Boiling Challenge

Getting ready for the Zombie Horde  
Spring Thaw Zombie Food Challenge
From other Groups 

Zombie Arm (Cake & Jam)

Zombie Faces (Chicken & Salad)

Zombie Eyes & Fingers (Boiled Egg & Hotdogs) Patrol A

Zombie Eyes & Fingers (Patrol B)

Zombie Grave Yard (Gummies, Brownies, Chocolate Milk)

Zombie Brains (Watermelon)

Zombie Meat (Deep Fried Tripe)

Zombie Fruit Salad (Fruit Salad)