Below is a schedule of events for September and October:
September 6th - No Meeting
September 13th - First Meeting at Parkallen School
September 20st - Family Night Outdoor Meeting in the River Valley
September 27th- Meeting at the Parkallen School
September 29th - October 1st - Fall Camp at Camp Evansburg
October 4th - Meeting at the School
October 11th - Fall Bottle Drive Flyer Drop Off
October 14th - Fall Bottle Drive
October 18th- Meeting at the Parkallen School
October 25th - Swim Night
Canadian Path Skills we all sections are working on this Scout Year:
- Vertical Skills
- Paddle Skills
- Scout Craft Skills (Outdoor Skills)
Please note that this schedule is subject to change but we will provide change in meeting locations to all the parents a head of time.
Essential Info
Uniforms can be purchased at Scout House (14205-109 Ave NW). For Beavers, the uniform is a vest & hat. For Cubs & Scouts there are two options: a casual t-shirt or a more formal shirt with a collar. For meetings, either is acceptable. Please note that group crests and badges cannot be attached to the t-shirts. You will be required to have the formal uniform shirt to participate in events such as camps, jamborees or ceremonies, Don’t worry if you don’t have the uniform by the first meeting. The Group, Area and Council crests for your uniform will be supplied as will your necker and woggle (more on that later).
For returning Families, if you have an old uniform that you don’t plan on keeping, please consider donating it back to the Group.
Our Group
24 Parkallen is proud of the fact that all sections meet on the same night and coordinate many activities. We believe this is something that makes our group special. Having all the different sections together allows for a unique experience, both for the Beavers and young Cubs who look up to the older kids and also for the Venturers, Scouts & older Cubs who get firsthand experience as role models and leaders.
This year, we are focusing on extending this sense of community to the families of our members and involving you in our Scouting “Family.” We welcome your feedback and we encourage you to become involved in a way that works for you.
If you have any questions, please contact the Group at